Her artistic practice includes both painting and sculpture, as she strives to capture the essence of life in its different forms. In her paintings, she uses a variety of techniques to create abstract compositions that suggest the movements and rhythms of life and its source in a subtle way. She often incorporates bright, vibrant colors to convey energy and vitality. She takes her inspiration from things that are not visible to the naked eye, be it microorganisms but also on an even more subtle level.
In her sculptures, she is using a range of materials, including metal, clay, and glass. Within her sculptural creations, the interplay of relationships manifests itself. Through the deft use of divergent materials, her art exudes a raw and unrefined essence, while simultaneously evoking a sense of vulnerability and delicacy. With an unyielding spirit, she embarks on a journey to reconcile opposing forces, striving to achieve a harmony that melds the clash of contrasting energies. By bringing attention to these essential life forms, she aims to encourage a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of our environment and the diversity of life that surrounds us. Her artwork serves as a tribute to the exquisite beauty and intricacies of the natural world. It also delves into the profound exploration of the interconnectedness and interdependence between humankind, diverse life forms, and the connections that bind disparate entities together.

In the work of Daniela Vollmer the microbiological worlds and agencies come together with a reflection on alchemy. Alchemy is a language that helps the artist to create an understanding on how the world of processes our eyes cannot see work. She creates a protoscientific and philosophical method that is characteristic and moves between traditional and analogical perceptional language and scientific studies and theories. Her installations can be seen as dramatizations of the underworld — an imagination fostered from Shakespeare to contemporary fantasy writers and more and more present in visual arts because it provides a substance to reflect not only on life but also on gender and the forms of the futures ahead of us. […] Chus Martínez, 2021

Lives and works in Basel, Switzerland.

Requests and Portfolio: info@daniela-vollmer.com

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